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Allopathy Alternative Medicines

The majority amongst us dismiss traditional therapies by attaching the word “alternative” to describe where they fit into the health care system! 

The usage alternative implies that conventional allopathic medicine is the gold standard and traditional therapies run second, third, last or inferior to allopathy even though traditional approaches to restoring and maintaining health was in existence thousands of years before allopathic medicines were introduced into the health care system... and these traditional therapies have worked very well in curing diseases all through these ages. 

One can agree that in some cases allopathic treatment is the sole alternative, but if it is presented and promoted as the only solution for health care and medical treatment, there is a strong case for disagreement... as there are many traditional Ayurvedic, Unani and modern Homeopathic medicines that can do the job of curing diseases with much better results and very little or no side effects. 

And so, the purpose of this post is to list some of these highly effective traditional Ayurvedic, Unani and Homeopathic medicines on a single page of reference for seekers of better medical treatment without much side effects. 

The information provided on this page is strictly for knowledge and information only and the listed medicines should be used only after consulting a qualified doctor in the respective field of medicine. 

Most of the medicines listed below are not recommended during pregnancy and lactation and should be used only after consultation with a qualified doctor in the respective field of medicine. 

1. Labub Kabir - As a general tonic, strengthens the brain, nerves and muscles of the body and provides vigor, vitality and sexual potency. It increases sperm count and checks spermatorrhea. It is a great tonic to cure general weakness and sexual debility -- Dosage - 1 teaspoon (5 grams) to be taken with milk or water before breakfast in the morning. [Manufacturer - Hamdard of Unani tradition]

Hamdard Labub Kabir

2. Ashta Choornam - General health tonic for curing indigestion, loss of appetite (interest in food), irritable bowel syndromes, anorexia and colitis. It is highly useful in treating abdominal or intestinal lumps and abdominal parasites (worms) especially in children. It is a good dietary supplement for people suffering with rheumatoid arthritis. It contains 1/8 part Black Cumin which is a cure for every disease except death. -- Dosage - 2-5 grams (half-one teaspoon) should be mixed with a little ghee (clarified butter) and taken with the first bolus of food (rice) every day. It can also be taken mixed with honey, ghee or warm water before lunch. [Manufacturer - Any reputed Ayurvedic brand]

3. Triphala Choornam General health tonic for better digestion, elimination, improves eye sight and treats computer vision syndrome, relieves skin problems, improves taste of food, relieves laziness, treats pre-diabetes and reduces blood sugar levels as it is a powerful anti-oxidant. It detoxifies the body of impurities, treats obesity and builds immunity against diseases. -- Dosage - 2-5 grams (half-one teaspoon) should be mixed with a little ghee (clarified butter) and taken with the first bolus of food (rice) every day. It can also be taken mixed with honey, ghee or warm water before lunch. [Manufacturer - Any reputed Ayurvedic brand]

4. Bruhath Triphala Choornam - Cures constipation, sexual dysfunction and relieves symptoms of hemorrhoids (piles) along with the aforementioned additional benefits of Triphala Choornam -- Dosage 2-5 grams along with warm water after food at night. [Manufacturer - Thaikaat Mooss's Vaidyarathnam Oushadha Shaala of Ayurvedic tradition]

Bruhath Triphala Choornam

5. Kushmanda Rasayanam - Recommended for chronic caugh, allergic bronchitis, hiccups, asthma and other chronic respiratory diseases. it provides immunity against frequent attacks of cold and flu especially in children during rainy and other seasons. it corrects bleeding disorders, emaciation and general weakness. It increases memory and mental strength. It acts as a rejuvenator and increases body mass, nutrition and physical strength. It is also a great tonic for weakness due to old age and a general sweet tonic for children -- Dosage - 5 grams (one teaspoon) to be taken before food in the evening. [Manufacturer - Any reputed Ayurvedic brand]

6. Berberis Pentarkan - Reliable remedy for kidney stone removal as it removes kidney stones naturally, it helps to avoid surgery and also prevents recurring formation of stones in the kidney. It also lowers uric acid levels in the blood and acts as a potent medicine to prevent Gout attacks and other complications arising out of high uric acid levels in the blood stream -- Dosage - As prescribed in the leaflet provided with the medicine. [Manufacturer - Dr. Willmar Schwabe of Homeopathy]

Berberis Pentarkan

7. Chandraprabha Vati - Beneficial in the treatment of diabetes, burning sensation during urination, urinary tract infection, urinary calculi and difficulty in urination. It relieves constipation, bloating, abdominal colic pain and low back pain. It treats cold, cough, rhinitis, bronchitis and asthma. It is useful  to treat piles, fistula and anaemia. It is useful to treat semen defects and gynaecological problems. It relives indigestion, improves strength and increases sexual drive. It removes toxins from the body and acts as a natural aphrodisiac. It is an anti-ageing ayurvedic medicine for both men and women -- Caution - People with high Blood Pressure should take this medicine only under expert medical care as Salt is one of the ingredient of this medicine. -- Dosage - One 500 mg tablet in the evening after food. [Manufacturer - Any reputed ayurvedic brand]

8. Yogaraja Guggulu - Removes toxins from the bones and joints and nourishes the musculo-skeletal system. It reduces stiffness, pain and swelling in joints of the body thereby acting as a remedy for rheumatoid arthritis and gout. It reduces high cholesterol levels in the blood and improves blood circulation which helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis and prevention of congestive heart failure. It also helps to relieve pain from menstrual cramps and regulate menstruation in women.
 It is used to treat respiratory diseases like cough, cold, bronchitis and asthma. It is recommended for intestinal worms and treatment of piles. It is also useful to treat male and female infertility. -- Dosage - One 500 mg tablet in the morning after food. [Manufacturer - Any reputed ayurvedic brand]

9. Luqman-e-Hayat Tel - External application oil cures burns and cuts, its application provides relief to pain, sprain, swelling and wounds due to injuries, two drops applied in the ear will relieve ear pain. It can be applied to piles for healing pile fissures and to skin to heal skin ailments. It is also a wonderful oil for body massage. [Manufacturer - M U Amrelia of Unani tradition]

Luqmane Hayat Tel

10. Black Cumin Seed Oil - A healthy body without disease is one of the greatest gift of God and its preservation will help us lead a life of physical activity, mental well being and overall happiness. So here is a gifted oil and a miracle medicine that will preserve your health and act as a cure for every disease except death... and that is Black Cumin Seed Oil. -- Dosage - Take this medicine 5 ml (one teaspoon) mixed with black tea or honey in empty stomach or one hour before breakfast regularly in the morning to strengthen your body immunity against all types of diseases including cancer. Children should be given half the dose of adults.


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